Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dear Sweet Memories

Why is death so hard

Although you know it is a part of life
and you are so grateful for the time you do have
with your loved ones

It is still so very painful to let go

I will forever cherish

the dear sweet memories

My Sister, my very best friend
My NanNan, whom I dearly loved & respected
My Dad, I so wish that I could have told you Goodbye
and now,
My Father-in-law, who I am eternally grateful for accepting our ready made family as his own.

My Father-in-law raised 4 amazing children, 3 girls and 1 boy
He was married to their Mother for 55 years
I admired him so much for his commitment to marriage, 
not one of his children have ever been divorced

No one ever heard him curse, 
not once

He always wanted to make you feel special, 
like telling me I was his Favorite Daughter-in-law 
when we both knew that I was his only Daughter-in-law
My Husband & now my Children are strong men, 
loving & kind to their Mother, 
and devoted to their family

because of this Great Man

I wish that I could tell him one hundred million times 

Thank you 

Thank you for raising my Husband to be a great Dad
Thank you for never making a difference
Thank you for loving your wife
Thank you for loving me


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