Friday, May 13, 2011

Just a Simple Barn Wedding

Can I just say
I have missed ya'll!!

I took a break from blogging
but it is so hard to leave something 
that you enjoy (if only you had enough time)

My Son, Clay married his best friend, Jamie on May 7th. 
I will be sharing some wedding pics over the next few post
' was a DIY wedding that was beautiful, special and cheap!!
So easy for anyone to do!
this old window that Jamie used
for a wedding program

special wedding advice for each guest

Here's a close up of some really good ones

"Let the little things go!  (personal advice)"


"Shower Daily" 

Jamie cut all these bird tags out of kraft paper 
and used twine as a hanger.
These will be special treasures for her and Clay to keep
and use!!

She also made her sash on her wedding dress, her veil,
she had a homemade dessert table,
all her wedding favors, Bridesmaids gifts
and Groomsmen boutonniere were handmade 
by Jamie herself!

She even designed the arbor 
  that my dear sweet hubby made out of cedar and old windows

My Son and a band that he plays in (he's the drummer) came up from Valdosta. 
A live band on a real stage in a barn!


Special touches of painted dressers, vanities and even an old sewing machine!
Can't wait to share them all with you!

Well, I have to get my SUV loaded for the Strawberry Festival in Dayton Tn 
this weekend.......
So, if your in the area - stop by and say hello!!


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