Thursday, March 22, 2012

Being Grateful

There is always
Something to be Grateful for.....
I am so very Grateful for my two beautiful Grandchildren
Johnna Caroline and Josie Claire

Josie Claire is only 4 weeks old
and we found out yesterday, 
after all day testing,
that she needed surgery to fix a muscle in her stomach so she can hold down her food
So later that evening - the surgery was complete,
and she was back in the arms of Mom & Dad

And today, she is all bright eyed and bushy haired tailed!!
 I fed her a 3 ounce bottle and she kept all of it down...Yay!!

 So, I am grateful for my family and friends, 
and my Granddaughters - my my, the Granddaughters, 
even if they are in the terrible two's, even if they are teething, 
even if they sleep sideways in our bed when they spend the night, 
I am Grateful that I can make memories with them that will last their life time.

Thanks for stopping by and letting me share something personal with you,


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