Thursday, December 30, 2010

Introducing...Marcy Stellin

With over 18 years of public and private industry accounting experience, Marcy Stellin manages the financial activities at Visbeen Associates. Going on her seventh year with VAI, Stellin assists the company with strategic planning and financial performance. She is also in charge of Human Resources, along with overseeing contractual agreements and invoicing with each VAI client. The 41-year-old Grand Rapids native was Valedictorian of her high school class, as well as the Top Accounting Student at Calvin College in 1992, where she received her Bachelors of Science. She was CPA certified from 1992-1997, and is a former member of the American Institute of Accountants.

Stellin and her husband of 16 years, David, are parents to Nicholas, Lilly and Sophie. Marcy lives an active lifestyle that includes downhill skiing and water sports. She also enjoys creating family photo albums.

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