I wanted to join in the fun over at
Funky Junk Interior Style
Donna has a way of taking an item
that she is drawn to
that has some history
that another person would throw in the trash
has thrown in the trash and makes it
work in her home
I worked in yarn textiles for 26 years
I am drawn to anything that was used in a mill
I can almost envision someone
using these bobbins to doff yarn off a spinning machine
I enjoy them in my living room with a picture of me and my Dad
I just hot glued on a small clothespin, which I aged with some glaze
If you have some old spinning bobbins and they have painted tops
that is the way yarn operators could tell their yarn counts apart
Since most yarns are white, you use different colored bobbin tops
so no yarn gets mixed
How could you do anything Funky Junk Style without some rust
A rusted egg scale holding a speckled egg
and some flowers made out of carnival tickets
I posted on these flowers yesterday
It's kind of a repeat with just a few different angles
I actually bought my carnival tickets at Walmart,
glued the ends together
added a button
it's quirky, it's fun, it looks like something Donna would do!
This lamp is actually an antique oil can turned into a lamp
I bought a pair...yes, a pair of these at a yard sale
several years ago
I use them to display tassels at my craft shows
and at every show
someone ask to buy them
Down below my display,
I brought my dairy milking jug inside
I know Donna leaves her outside so her cats have fresh water
And I normally do to
but today it is filled with boxwood
and enjoying it's place beside a basket filled with
grainsack pillows
What do you have that you can
in a funky junk kind of way?
I am linking up with:
Funky Junk Interiors
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